Youth population access to psychiatric care: a cross sectional analysis of Padua Emergency Department accesses

Poster A43, Thursday, October 20, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Le Baron

Giovanni Miotto1,2, Carla Cremonese2, Luca Ballan1, Nadia Campagnola2, Foscarina Della Rocca3, Riccardo Rudello1,2, Iolanna Chiappini1,2, Aldo Gatto2, Luca Mesiano2, Prof. Paolo Santonastaso1,2; 1Università degli Studi di Padova, 2Clinica Psichiatrica di Padova, 3Dipartimento Aziendale di Medicina d'Urgenza di Padova

This study aims to provide a descriptive picture of the youth population (15 to 24) who accessed Emergency Departments (EDs) and mental health services by means of a cross-sectional analysis of 7613 patients who had had at least one access to Padua EDs and psychiatric outpatient facilities in the 2012-2014 period. More than 2500 young patients accessed to Padua EDs every year (excluding physical injuries, which account for 62% of the accesses), of which 8.4% received a conclusive psychiatric diagnosis. 14.4% of young psychiatric outcare patients were referred from ED, compared to an average of 1.8% of patients who arrived from other facilities. Patients with Psychosis-related diagnosis tend to use more frequently EDs as first access to psychiatric care (63.4%) and Psychosis account for 33.9% of psychiatric hospitalization. 20% of Red Codes (Which means immediate risk for life) are caused by a mental illness, that percentage reaches 45% if Substance Use Disorders are included. Multiple accesses for Intoxications or Red Codes and multiple accesses for different symptoms are related to psychiatric diagnosis. 17% of patients with a conclusive psychiatric diagnosis were admitted, compared to the average of 8% for all other diagnoses. Mental disorders are among the most common causes of disability in young people. Early intervention is proven to play a critical role on the outcome. EDs often represent the first point of contact for initiating psychiatric care for young people; it is therefore important to thoroughly study the problem in order to find specific and effective strategies.

Topic Area: Epidemiology

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